How Ultros League Works

4 Tiers

From divisions in the humble Tonic tier all the way up to the elite Megalixir division, players compete each season to win their division and earn promotion to the next tier for the following season.

6+ Races

Each season runs for 8 weeks, during which each participant competes in at least 6 async races total. The better you perform in each race, the more points you earn.

Level up!

At the end of each season, the top players in each division get promoted! But watch out: the bottom finishers in each division at the end of the season risk being demoted.

Learn More

Need more details? Check out the full league rules!

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News and Announcements

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Season 7 has begun!

The day we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived: Ultros League Season 7 has begun! 104 racers will be competing for divisional dominance over the next eight weeks. Full details on how the league Read more…