Hey league fans! We’re just under one week away from the start of the Ultros League preseason, and Twitch has been busy with lots of Ultros League practice runs. So far, 33 members of our fantastic community have signed up. If that doesn’t include you, the good news is that it’s not too late to register so that you don’t miss a second of Ultros League action.

As we approach preseason, here’s a reminder about how this part of the league will work:

  • Preseason is a one-time event to seed the initial divisions for season one, with these divisions carrying forward for future seasons with ongoing promotions and demotions.
  • During preseason, unlike regular Ultros League play, all players are in one big group with no separate divisions. Three weekly async races will be played over three weeks, with all league members racing the same seed each time.
  • At the end of the three weeks, each player’s time is totaled for the three week preseason, and then players are assigned divisions from fastest to slowest – the 8 shortest total times in Megalixir, then the next 8 in Elixir, and so on.
  • During preseason only, forfeited or non-completed races will be assigned a completion time of 6:00. Get those races completed and do whatever it takes to finish off Kefka!

Once preseason is over, season one will begin, following the standard seasonal rules described on this site.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions (I’m doubledown#5317 on the WC Discord). See you all in a week!

Categories: Announcements